Monday, April 10, 2006

Week 4: The Lost World

The midday sun blazes above our intrepid band as they stand within the newly transported compound. Hank has determined that the fusion reactor will not function until new circuits are fashioned…. From a specific ore called Militite (and no it doesn’t exist). He has rigged together a) a short range mineral detector that should pick up traces of Militite to 100 metres and b) an oil generator.

Doom grabs the detector, and orders the crew to clear the jungle around the base before flying off into the distance.

Iceman creates his own fridge from a disused shed and gets to work on clearing the greenery. Ice waves crystallize the trees for Mystique to shoot and Sabretooth to plow into. It goes reasonably well (although slowly) upto the point where Sabe tosses a particularly bit trunk in the wrong direction, flattening the fence in one area. Movement is spotted in the trees and our heroes swing into action, jumping over the fence and getting into the towers.
Of most note is the pair of large angel like wings sprouting from Mystiques back; her attempts to fly; and Beast slaying the only raptor to attack the compound. He goes toe to toe and savagely rips the throat out of his enemy. His roars of triumph sufficiently deter the other jungle predators as blood drips from his fangs.

Just before nightfall, Doom returns, pursued by a couple of very large Pteranodons. Sabe, now sporting an M60 blows one out of the sky as Doom negligently blasts the other.
He throws the pack down in disgust, ordering Hank to recheck it. Nothing was found on his travels but more of those cretinous creatures. They seriously hamper his attempts to scout from the air.
He sets to work with Iceman, Mystique and Sabe on clearing the forest and progress speeds up a bit. Hank starts rigging up the generator, hooking it into the lights and several motion detectors that are spaced about the guard towers. Spotlights are installed at several key points. Night closes in as Iceman hands round nicely chilled beer, thoughtfully providing a straw for Doom. Doom is about to discuss this with his henchman as the motion sensors light up about the camp. Most are coming from directly in front of Doom and Ices tower and Mystique (sharing a tower with a lone guard) also has incoming. Spotlights are killed and night vision goggles strapped on. The shapes come closer. Iceman flicks the spotlight back on at Dooms call and six raptors are caught in the glare like nightmarish bunnies. Iceman freezes the front row who turn tail as Dooms bolts explode the jungle about them.
Mystique pulls a grenade and gives the nod to the guard who promptly flicks the switch. Sabe answers the call and leaves his tower to rush across the compound towards Mysty.. As the lights come on, Mystique pulls the pin and hurls the grenade about 5 feet. It drops to the ground at the base of the tower. The guard looks at Mysty with unadulterated horror. She grabs him and dives out of the tower as the grenade explodes, taking out one strut and toppling it into the fence, obviously demolishing it. She glides to the ground but drops the guard who lands with a whoosh of breath on the compacted dirt. Sabe blasts a raptor back from the fence as he pelts toward the breach. Mysty drags the fallen guard into the nearest building and then flaps up to the roof to join the two rooftop guards.
Doom arrives in a swirl of green cape, arms folded across his chest. Four raptors appear on the fallen tower and with a screech two launch themselves at Doom (who floats into the air) and Sabe who sets his feet and pulls the trigger on his M60.
Beast and Iceman listen to the radio chatter but there’s nothing happening neat them.
One raptors head explodes in a shower of blood and bone as high caliber bullets shred its body. The other dodges past a force bolt from Doom to ram into Sabretooth, knocking him from his feet and temporarily relieving him of his senses. Doom swoops down to land next to his fallen henchman… cue to the raptor to launch itself at the shimmering shape.
Mysty drops a raptor with her rifle and the guards busily riddle another as they dash into the compound.
Beast has been tracking a number of critters that have moved out of the treeline. He hits the lights and takes potshots as they scatter.
Doom drops his forcefield and engages his Unearthly electric field, instantly frying the reptilian assailant. It drops stunned to the floor and Doom calmly blasts its head off. Sabe rises from the blood soaked ground.
Calls erupt across the radio as a rooftop guard espies Raptors breaking into the compound on his side (the opposite side to where the trouble was kicking off). Iceman leaves his post to investigate and is just in time to see a raptor sprint into the center lights. It is wary of the glare and diverts itself straight toward Ice who loses no time in blasting waves of cold toward the creature. In short shrift it collapses to the ground with a distinct cracking sound.
Silence returns to the base.
Iceman calls for all teams to report in. One call sign is distinctly quiet. Beast drops to the ground and speeds across to the guard tower in question.
Sabe trots over and rights the tower as best he can before swapping places with Iceman who commences reparations on the fence. Doom floats off to investigate new reports of raptor sightings.
Beast hears crunching and rending sounds coming from the tower. He springs onto the platform and is greeted with the sight of a raptor busily wolfing down chunks of Norm 3, who sadly never made it.
He flings himself onto the creature but his massive arms fail to gain purchase. The raptor swings wide and Beast becomes a flying ball of flailing limbs, completely tying up the dino. He applies a dose of his incredible strength to the creature, busting ribs and taking several teeth out as he pummels with his free hand. A short time later the creature is a broken pulp upon the floor. Beast drips yet more blood.
Doom and the guard fire into the jungle forcing back further encroachments and the compound returns to silence. He blocks the tear in the fence as Beast and Mystique check out an open door of the main building. A quick search reveals no bad guys.


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