Monday, April 10, 2006

Finding Nemo: Briefing

Latest news on the wire is that the latest nuclear attack submarine NSSN Centurion is due for launch to masses of fanfare in the next few days. The sub is the first of its kind and will be launched from the Naval Shipyard at Newport in around 14 days. Admiral Danzig, chief of the fleet will be there. The boat has a complement of 113 officers and crew. It is in Newport and still taking on the last few modifications including advanced command, control, communications and intelligence (C3I) systems. Expected to run as silent as the Seawolf and Akula class submarines, the new boat has 48 weapons including tomahawk cruise missiles, advanced torpoedos, mines and unmanned submersible vehicles. Also facilities for SEAL team covert deployment.The naval shipyard is heavily defended at this time and upto the launch. At least one company of upto 200 men is in attendance.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nominations for a suitable venue would be greatly appreciated. Mine as a last resort on account of size....Figure the base is rather large and open with several main buildings housing training acadamies (trainees sent somewhere else for security purposes), command centre, barracks / dorms, research stations, supply sheds (bit bigger than ya average prefab) and of course 3 large sub pens with dry docks.


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