Monday, April 10, 2006

Doom Session 2: Enemy at the Gates

Session 2 – Enemy at the Gates

Mystique and Doom have succeeded in convincing Pietre Dupalov of their intent to sell a top of the range nuclear submarine. A meeting is arranged with the next link in the chain, Pietre’s brother Zantilli, a man of extensive contacts and influence. Mysty and Pietre drive over to the plush residence at Checkov Square.

They are ushered into the foyer of Zans place by two well armed guards who waste no time in frisking the stranger, retrieving a proffered automatic. They are shown into a study to meet with Zan, a bulky, bearded, besuited man sitting behind an ornate desk.
Unbeknownst to Mysty, the real Zan is standing in an adjoining room with his body guards Sabretooth (Paul), Iceman (Tony) and The Dark Beast (Stu). They watch Vladamir (Zans lieutenant, impersonating Zan) through a one way mirror. The negotiations proceed apace with Vlad saying that sources have confirmed the steal of the century (it’s not the kind of thing the US government wants plastered on the front pages and a full lid is on the story). Time passes. The deal put forward by Doom is a remote base, equipment for nuclear generators, $500m, a plane, chopper and a small army of soldiers….
Politburo Chief Zupatsky arrives with his rather imposing bodyguard, aptly named “The Russian”, and the real Zan steps forward. Zupat drones on for some time, finally offering an abandoned base in Siberia called Khatanga (look it up), $200m, 10 soldiers, loan of transport plane. We may have a deal but Doom will need to ratify in person. With 10 minutes until the Cruise Missile strikes, the disarm button is pressed. A muffled shot resounds down the phone line as Doom orders the missile disarmed again. Hmm. Appears to have malfunctioned. Doom suggests that Myst concludes negotiations to meet elsewhere…..
An explosion rocks the very foundations of the house. We thought there was 10 mins left…. We’re still alive. Not the cruise then.
The 3 bodyguards are ordered to find out what is causing the explosions and loud screams coming from the front of the house. The rest of the group including Mystique disappear out the back door and down the escape tunnel to a waiting car. They leave the scene sharpish.

Beast rips a buckled door from it’s frame and steps into the now ruined foyer. The front of the building is reduced to rubble and open to the sky, wherein looms the imposing figure of a 20 foot tall robot, eyes gleaming in the night. Rays explode from the giant as Beast bounds about the room easily evading the pulses of super heated plasma. Iceman steps up and freezes the robots head. Sabretooth careens into the giants legs with a metallic crash, miraculously causing the colossus to topple to the ground, where Iceman promptly freezes its head to the floor. Beast bounds over to stamp it into the ground. Sabretooth finally notices the second robot bearing down on them from the courtyard and decides to investigate in his own inimitable fashion. Claws rend the stone flooring as he charges full pelt toward the second robot, taking a hard hit to the chest from a force bolt.
A lucky swipe from the original robot sends Beast flying into the night to land concussed in the courtyard. The robot rises from the ground, a sheet of ice suddenly appearing beneath its feet. Somehow it manages to keep its feet and turns blazing eyes upon our shivering snowman. The blast misses and Iceman returns the compliment by firing wildly past its immense bulk.
Sabretooth takes some experimental swipes at the second robot , ducking out of the way as the giant raises one leg to try and stamp him into the ground. Beast finally arises from the ground and crashes into the foe, knocking its leg out from under it. 10 tons of metal crash onto our lads heads.
The last robot arrives in the courtyard and things are looking grim.
As an alarm resounds from Mystiques wristwatch, a cruise missile strikes the building adjacent to Zans. The explosion seriously damages Iceman who quickly forms an iceshield to protect himself from falling rubble. Sabe and Beast are somewhat protected from the main force of the explosion by the robot piled on their heads. The final robot is blown into the street.
Ice’s robot is a pile of junk on the ground. As he looks across the rubble lined courtyard, an ominous shadow looms above the gate, two red globes piercing the dark. Ice attempts to freeze the final giant but to no avail. Sabretooth has managed to pull the vanquished robots head off with the intent of shielding himself. Beast runs away… As the robot rises into the air above the courtyard, iceman freezes its jet exhausts (in both feet). The giant plummets toward the ground as Sabes appropriated metallic head crashes into its side. It lands hard on its side.

Sabe charges it. Then backs up and charges it again. There follows a cycle of this massive mutant steaming around the courtyard, interspersed with loud metallic crunches. Iceman finds the vault room, still intact and poking from the rubble. With no way of opening it, he forms an ice slide and rockets back to the courtyard. But not as fast as Beast who is using all of his prodigious speed to sprint across the rubble (60 mph comic fans). He smashes into the supine (from Sabretooths pounding, this guy hasn’t had a chance to regain his feet) robot seriously buckling the giants armour. Iceman freezes its head to the floor. Sabe takes another runup. Beast jumps into the air, around 80’ by my reckoning. Sabe hammers in the robots side, forcing it around in a great arc culminating its head snapping off and Beast crashing into the floor with a curse and a cloud of broken rubble.
Good work. The three mutants think about calling a cab for a laugh, but end up arranging a lift from Zan, who is over at Zupatskys house.
They arrive in time to greet Doom, who strides into the Politburo Chiefs chambers to finalise arrangements.

And perhaps find a mutant a home.

Finally, news broadcasts are coming in from all over the globe as destruction follows the arrival of the mysterious robots. Eyewitnesses say several mutant heroes were killed by the giants.

The Sentinels have returned. With one motive. To kill all mutant kind.


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